
HackMyVm Platform Review

Hello everyone. Today i have the pleasure to shed a light on a new platform that one of my mate emvee told me about by the end of the year 2023. It is about this awesome platform named hackmyvm

HackMyVm purpose

HackMyVm is a platform that hosts a bunch of vulnerable machine downloadable by anyone and allows you submit the proof of hacking (that’s called flag). It is a Capture The Flag (CTF) platform like a Vulnhub which is not currently updated. HackMyVm is the new vulnhub with a lot of new features.

HackMyVm features

HackMyVm presents a lot of features which made its an awesome platform to be interested in.

Obligation to create an account

You need to register on the platform to have access to those vulnerable machines. The platform is made like that in order to catch more your attention to discover all its features.


You have the honor to see the latest logs about machines that are currently been hacked. It may motivate you to jump on the same machine or challenge.

Get some trophies

Trophies here are like a badge which you can earn by completing some activities or progressing on hacking machines or solving challenges.

On my side, i have just earned three trophies: Starter, Maker and Preacher


Every users are ranked based on their activities. So you earn points by hacking machines or by solving challenges.


There is a menu named Machines. There you will find all machines hosted on the platform. There is a kind of color around the name of each machine describing the level of difficult : Green for easy, Yellow for medium and Red for hard.

You can also see there first users who pwned it , the autor of the machine and compatible hypervisors.

For CTF players, you have just to download the machine you are interested in, pwn it and then submit flag to get points. You are also able to submit writeup for each machine


There are some challenges categorized in some common topics like web, crypto, steganography, OSINT, reversing, etc…


It is a kind of game to hands-on linux commands


You can submit your own built vulnerable machine or challenge

Discord community

There is a great community behind the platform. You can join them at HackMyVm Discord


Basically, HackMyVm is a great Platform for you to train yourself about ethical hacking and more. If you were a fan of Vulnhub, i bet you will adopt this one quickly. Enjoy it !

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